Sunday, November 13, 2011

How Educators May Use Blogs

Blogging has started to become an integral part of the classroom in the past few years. Educators may use blogs in the classroom to allow students to write in a journal format and then have their peers comment on those entries. Blogs may be used to document day-to-day observations for a science fair project, for analysis after a chapter in a novel, or to answer questions from a textbook. Blogs are a great medium that allow not only the teacher, but other students to view the thoughts of another student. Instant feedback has become a way of life, and students will benefit from the feedback. They can then reflect on other's comments and change their work if necessary. Students are accustomed to using technology, and using blogs is a great way to engage students in their learning. Once learning how to write in mastered in lower grades, it is important for typing to be taught in school. By getting students interested in blogging, they will not only be thinking about their assignment, they will be learning valuable technology skills that will aid them in their future endeavors. Overall, blogs are a free and easy system that educators should incorporate into their weekly assignments.

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