Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Action Research Plan

SCHOOL VISION: For all students to complete and master their grade-level curriculum.
GOAL: To determine in what ways differentiated instruction in the classroom can cater to all students needs and allow them to succeed across the curriculum?



Students determine their specific learning style, and the teacher adjusts to meet all students' needs Depending on which intelligence students are labeled as, students will create reports, do experiments, work with maps, or manipulatives. . A computer is needed for students to take a multiple intelligence test. Howard Gardner's web site pzweb.harvard.edu/PIs?HG.htm to learn more about multiple intelligences. As the teacher and the researcher, it is my responsibility to correctly identify my students' intelligences. It is also my responsibility to incorporate activities that bring out the best in my students. Nov. 28: have students take test online that determines their top intelligences. Week of Nov 28: plan a differed activity daily that meets the needs of all students. Week of Dec 5: Benchmarks given to determine if all students are grasping concepts. A math, reading, and science benchmark assessment will be given on December 6, 7, and 8 to determine if students' needs are being meet based on the curriculum that has been taught thus far in the school year. If after taking the benchmark assessments, students are still struggling, I will pull them in a small group and teach them in a manner that is based on their identified intelligences.
All students have enhanced academic achievement and more cooperative classroom behavior. Students will use questioning, writing, drawing, reflecting, singing, and categorizing to complete their tasks. A computer is needed for students to take a multiple intelligence test. Howard Gardner's web site pzweb.harvard.edu/PIs?HG.htm to learn more about multiple intelligences. As the teacher and the researcher, it is my responsibility to correctly identify my students' intelligences. It is also my responsibility to incorporate activities that bring out the best in my students. See above A math, reading, and science benchmark assessment will be given on December 6, 7, and 8 to determine if students' needs are being meet based on the curriculum that has been taught thus far in the school year. If after taking the benchmark assessments, students are still struggling, I will pull them in a small group and teach them in a manner that is based on their identified intelligences.